Picture Cycle St. Peter`s church Rostock, consisting of seven parts

Winter (winter),

Acryl 70 x 100 cm

Ein schöner Tag (A beautiful day),

Acryl 70 x 100 cm

Das Eingangsportal

(entrance portal)

Acryl 2018, 40 x 100 cm

Nacht (night),

Acryl 100 x 150 cm

Von Weitem

(From a distance),

Acryl 40 x 100 cm

Nebel steigt auf (fog rises),

Acryl 70 x 100 cm

Vor dem Gewitter (before thunderstorm),

Acryl 70 x 100 cm

On the way to a town you`ll at first see the tower of the church ... PETRICHURCH, the most important landmark of Rostock, braving the often dramatic history and the seasons and the weather. No matter from where you see the church, it stands solidly and defiantly, gives mental support and orientation and was also shining in times of fatal dictatorships.